Preventative Dentistry
Preventive dentistry includes daily brushing and flossing, your basic 6 month cleaning, cavity exams, cancer screenings, flouride treatments and sealants.
Periodontal disease, also called gum disease, affects millions of Americans every year. Gingivitis can lead to periodontitis if it gets worse. At Smile Conections Family Dental, we take periodontal disease very seriously since it is linked to a number of complications and life-threatening diseases. From cancer to heart disease to diabetes and an increased risk of strokes, periodontal disease is nothing to take lightly.
Simply put bone and attachment loss around the teeth, periodontal disease is an inflammation of the gums. If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, that can be an indicator of gum disease. If your gums look puffy or if they are tender, that can be another indicator. According to the ADA, bad breath can result from periodontal disease as well as loose-like teeth. For a clear diagnosis, visit your dentist and get professional answers.
In addition to reducing your risk for other health issues, practicing good preventive dental health can save you money. Even with dental insurance, the costs associated with poor oral hygiene can add up. While preventive dentistry may not completely eliminate your need for fillings, root canals, or dental implants, it can go a long way in reducing your need for other costly treatments.